Burgh Wood Bear Forest School
"The best classroom and the richest classroom is roofed only by the sky"- Margret McMillan.
The ethos of Forest Schools is to allow children the time and space to develop skills, interest and understanding througha range of activities which provide practical, hands-on experiences in a natural environment. Burhgh Wood Bear Forest School sessions run on a Wednesday morning between 9:15 and 11:45. Children walk to the local woods and during the sessions, enjoy making dens using resources they find, making pretend campfires, completing craft activities, climbing low trees, rocking in the hammock, singing songs and having lots of fun with their friends. This is achieved through flexible planning, where children are encouraged to then direct their own learning as a catalyst from the leader. Staff then further support and 'scaffold' the children's learning helping to further increase positive outcomes. Please see below some of the photographs of the children enjoying thier forest school activities.